Deatils of Cobblestone planning application appeal

Tue, Jan 11, 2022

Read in 4 minutes

Marron Estates has appealed Dublin City Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for a hotel on the Cobblestone site. Details of the appeal and a public meeting to discuss submitting an observation on the appeal can be found below.

Deatils of Cobblestone planning application appeal

What has happened so far?

On 1st Oct 2021 Marron Estates made a planning application for a hotel on a site at 77-80 King Street North (no. 77 being The Cobblestone pub). On the 25th November 2021 Dublin City Council refused permission for the development. This refusal was based on four grounds:

On the 21st Dec 2021 Marron Estates appealed Dublin City Council’s decision to An Bord Pleanála. The appeal files can be found below.

What is the substance of the appeal?

Marron Estates have suggested revising the application with the following changes (sections in italics are from the appeal):

The applicant feels that these changes will address the four grounds relied upon by Dublin City Council when refusing permission.

While no visuals have been provided in the appeal the below is a rough approximation of the sections that are being removed:

Sections being removed

What happens next?

An Bord Pleanála and Dublin City Council will review the appeal. An An Bord Pleanála inspector will produce a report with a recommendation for the An Bord Pleanála board. The board has the final say - it can agree with the inspector’s report or make another finding.

Before the deadline of any person can make an observation on the appeal. You do not need to have made an observation on the original planning application. Observations can be submitted online and cost €50. Neasa will be making an observation and is happy to try to incorporate any observations sent to her.

An Bord Pleanála has confirmed the deadline for appeal as 17:30 on 26th January 2022. This would include the extra nine days for submissions made over Christmas. Dublin Is Dying however has an email confirmation from An Bord Pleanála saying the deadline is the 25th January.

Case is due to be decided by 4th May 2022 (although these dates are not guaranteed).

Public meetings

Dublin Is Dying is organising a meeting Wednesday 12th at 7pm - details here.

Neasa is holding a meeting on Wednesday the 19th at 8pm to discuss the appeal, specifically focusing on any observations people might have with a view to filing an observation with An Bord Pleanála. You can register for an invite to that meeting here.

Please get in touch on or (01) 618 3172 if there are any queries in relation to this matter.

Our observation

Our observation can be found here. If you would like to be listed as a co-signatory of this observation you can do so by filling out this form:

