Neasa Hourigan is the Green Party TD for Dublin Central (formally councillor for Cabra-Glasnevin). Neasa is Green Party Finance & Health Spokesperson and Chair of Policy Council. She has a professional background as a specialist in creating sustainable communities and was a university lecturer in environmental development and design. She and her family have lived in Cabra, Dublin 7 for 15 years.
A national housing agency that delivers government run and funded affordable housing to everyone
Decent housing standards that are properly enforced
Streets that are safe to walk, cycle and play in for all people
Communities that are free from gangland crime and anti social behaviour
Fairly distributed and publicly owned resources such as water
Properly organised and enforced services for waste, recycling and energy
I joined the Green Party in 2011 with a clear conviction that Ireland needs a voice at national level on sustainable and ethical living, climate change and critical environmental matters. I trained as an architect who specialises in sustainable development and I have worked as a consultant and university lecturer in this field. I have a masters in environmental design and a postgrad in third level education.
During my professional career I have worked in the private and public sector as an architect and a consultant in sustainability on a number of major infrastructural projects in Ireland including as an environmental design specialist on the recent Mater Adult Hospital in our constituency. My professional experience includes:
As a full time carer for a disabled child I will work towards communities where we all can enjoy safe and accessible streets, affordable access to housing and services, food security, peace and equal opportunities
I have been involved in community volunteer work for many years including work with Age Action Ireland, helping to establish and run a charity shop for a charity for the visually impaired and volunteering every week at my local Day Centre where I run a therapeutic art class.