Public consultation on Ventry Park Improvements

Fri, Jul 24, 2020

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Dublin City Council is proposing to make a number of improvements to Ventry Park in Cabra. The Council is running a public consultation on these changes. Neasa is making a submission which you can see below. You can also make your own submission by July 31st 2020

Public consultation on Ventry Park Improvements

You can make your own submission online here:

That page also includes details for phone, email and postal submissions if you would prefer to do that.

Neasa’s submission is below:

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to make a number of comments on the proposed improvements to Ventry Park, Cabra.

Overall, I believe this project will be a positive for the local community, and the proposed improvements will only enhance this park as a valuable resource for the area in terms of recreation, biodiversity and the enjoyment of nature. The recent restrictions due to Covid-19 has shown all of us the necessity to our mental health of having local and accessible green spaces; and has led to a greater appreciation of green spaces in the proximity of our doorsteps.

After initial discussions with local residents, I would like to raise a few matters for consideration.


It should be taken into consideration the concerns of local residents that have contacted my office that the local roads do not turn into a car park for those using the park. There had also been issues with cars, bikes and scramblers being driven through Ventry Park prior to the installation of the railings and gates that currently surround the park, so I would like these concerns to be considered.

Anti-Social Behaviour

My office has been contacted in the past by concerned residents who have witnessed anti-social behaviour in the environs of Ventry Park. I would like to see proper consideration given as to how the park will not become a magnet for loitering and anti-social behaviour. Again, I would like to see these concerns dealt with in some way, and some local residents have suggested that retaining the railings and gates currently surrounding Ventry Park would help ensure this anti-social behaviour does not reoccur.


I would like to retain as many native, pollinator-friendly trees, flora and fauna as possible, and to see additional native, pollinator-friendly trees, flora and fauna built up around the edges of the park. I would also like to see the retention of an area of cut grass, to ensure a space for the public to sit and enjoy nature.

Community Garden

I commend Dublin City Council for listening to local residents during a previous consultation process, and including a community garden on the site. I would like to ensure this site was properly managed going forward.

I hope that you will take these observations into consideration.

Kind Regards,

Neasa Hourigan TD, Dublin Central