Vacant Sites & Derelict Site Register

Tue, Aug 17, 2021

Read in 3 minutes

A short guide on how to propose adding a site to Dublin City Council's Vacant Sites Register and the Derelict Sites Register.

Vacant Sites & Derelict Site Register

What is a vacant site?

Dublin City Council’s Active Land Management Unit established the Vacant Sites Register on 1st January 2017. An identified vacant site is one which Dublin City Council is of the opinion that it has an area in excess of 0.05 hectares, is zoned for either residential or regeneration purposes and has been vacant for a minimum of 12 months.

How can I report a vacant site?

To report a vacant site, you can contact Dublin City Council at or 01 222 3838/6272.

What is the procedure for entry on the register?

How can I view the register of vacant sites?

To view the register of Vacant Sites for the Dublin City Council area, you can download the Vacant Sites Register here and also available on Dublin City Council’s website here.

What is a derelict site?

The Derelict Sites Act 1990 defines a derelict site as any land that “detracts, or is likely to detract, to a material degree from the amenity, character or appearance of land in the neighbourhood of the land in question because of….."

How do I report a derelict site?

To report a derelict site, you can contact Dublin City Council at or 01 222 2222. They will then carry out an inspection of the site to determine if it is qualifies to be entered on the Derelict Sites Register.

What happens if your site is added to the Derelict Sites Register?

If a site that you own is added to the Derelict Sites Register, Dublin City Council has the authority to: