St Vincents Hospital site Large-scale Residential Development

Mon, May 1, 2023

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At the start of April a Large-scale Residential Development application was made to Dublin City Council for the development of 811 apartments, a gym, a café, co-working space, a community library, a childcare facility, and a community hall at the St. Vincent's Hospital site off Richmond Road. A new hospital building, providing mental health services, will also be built. The last day for observations is Tuesday 10th May 2023.

St Vincents Hospital site Large-scale Residential Development

What is a Large-scale Residential Development (LRD)

Large-scale Residential Development is the process that replaces the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) process. It is similar to the SHD process in that it deals with applications for 100 or more houses or 200 or more student accommodation bed spaces.

A key difference however is that Large-scale Residential Development applications are made directly to the local authority (Dublin City Council in this case). Strategic Housing Development applications were made to An Bord Pleanála.

Unix Mix

The residential units will be split across 9 blocks: A, B, C, D-E, F, G, H, J, and L. Block K is the location of the community facilities.

The units are split as follows

Note that this refers to the building standards. The Build to Rent apartments must be rented for a minimum of 15 years. The standard design apartments may be rented or sold.

The 811 units in the development are split as follows:


The blocks are laid out as follows

Site layout

Part V Social Housing

Dublin City Council’s preferred option is to acquire units on site to fulfil the Part V Social Housing obligation. Dublin City Council will acquire 174 units to meet the Part V requirement (i.e. 21.45% of total number of units)

Community spaces

The applicant has identified the following community spaces

Community facilities

Commercial facilities

Site layout


A basement will include

At surface level for residential, commercial, and community uses:

More information

The application reference is LRD6009/23-S3

A web site for the application is available at

Last day for observations is Wednesday 10th of May 2023.

On Wednesday the 3rd of May at 8pm I will host a zoom call to discuss the application, hear any observations from people in the area with a view to sending an observation to Dublin City Council. Register for that meeting here

A guide to making a planning observation can be found at

Please get in contact with any queries at