Tue, Mar 10, 2020
Read in 1 minutes
Response Cllr. Janet Horner received regarding retaining public access to the Holy Cross site
“The lands at Holy Cross, Clonliffe Road Dublin 3 are zoned Z12 – To ensure that existing environmental amenities are protected in the predominantly residential future of these lands. When lands zoned Z12 are to be redeveloped, a minimum of 20% of the site must be retained as accessible public open space.
Proposals for the redevelopment of the lands at Clonliffe will be informed by the preparation and submission of a masterplan setting out a clear vision for the future for the development of the entire land holding. As per the requirements of the Dublin City Development Plan, the masterplan for the Clonliffe lands will need to identify the strategy for the provision of the 20% public open space requirements to ensure a co-ordinated approach to the creation of high-quality new public open space and linked to the green network and/or other lands, where possible.”