Sat, May 15, 2021
Read in 1 minutes
Dublin City Council's refusal of planning permission for the development at the Quinn's site has been appealed to An Bord Pleanála by the applicant (Discipulo Developments) The details of the appeal are linked below.
[Update: June 2022] An Bord Pleanála published a decision that agrees with the Dublin City Council decision to refuse the application. Hopefully the developer will come back with a more compliant proposal asap. It should be noted that there’s planning permission (3999/16) on part of the site from 2016 that is still valid for another year.
The appeal was lodged 28 April 2021. As such anybody who wishes to make an observation on the appeal needs to do so within 4 weeks of that date (close of business 25th of May).
Please note it is not currently possible to make an observation on an appeal online with An Bord Pleanála so that needs to be done by post or in person to An Bord Pleanála’s offices (64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902).
Some details on making an observation on a planning appeal can be found here.
ABP case number: 310082