Planning application for Quinn's Pub site

Mon, Feb 22, 2021

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Details have been provided on the planning application for Quinn's pub site lodged on 9th Feb 2021. [Update 12 April 2021 - planning application refused, details below]

Planning application for Quinn's Pub site

Update 12 April 2021

Dublin City Council have refused planning permission for the development at the Quinn’s site on the following basis:

We had raised a number of issues with this application in our observation so feel the council’s decision is reasonable. That said, like most people, we’d prefer if the site was developed.

Rental only

50 build to rent residential units i.e. there will be no option to purchase.


Five storeys facing onto Drumcondra Road Lower to a height of 17m. Tapering to two storeys toward rear of the site.

Three commercial units (bookmakers, café and a retail unit) at ground floor facing Drumcondra Road Lower.

Block layout

Unit types

Current mix of the 50 units is:

Social Housing

Under Part V legislation Dublin City Council has expressed its intent to buy units in the development.

At this point no detail has been provided in the application as to how many units (typically 10% so that would be 5 units) or how much is being paid for the units.

Existing building/façade

The developer’s view is that “Quinn’s is not of special architectural heritage” and the plan is to demolish it all including the retained façades to the north of Quinns.

Retained façade

The new building front will look something like this

Computer image of new building


86 cycle parking spaces and no car parking spaces (given public transport options available)

Full plans

Full plans for the development can be found here

Getting in touch

Please get in contact with me at if there are any queries in relation to this.