A 1.1km section from Dorset Street along North Circular Rd and Portland Row ending at Amiens St/North Strand Rd has been identified by Dublin City Council for an interim walking and cycling scheme.
Members of the public can have their say on the scheme via a public consultation running until 20th Jan 2023.
From Dublin City Council:
Key Features of the scheme:
- Throughout the 1.1km interim scheme, it is proposed to use bollard protected and parking protected cycle tracks. Existing loading bays, accessible car parking spaces and approximately 65% of existing on-street car parking spaces will be retained.
- Currently cyclists are required to cycle adjacent to live traffic and also closely to parked vehicles. The proposed method of cycle track segregation by providing parking spaces on the outside of the cycle track, including a buffer space of 0.75m will provide protection for cyclists.
- This proposed arrangement will also help reduce vehicular speeds on the North Circular Road due to narrower traffic lane widths. There will be an improved crossing environment for pedestrians by reducing corner radii on side roads.
- Existing access arrangements to driveways will not be affected. Resurfacing works of the carriageway is also proposed to provide a safer environment for cyclists and all road users.