Protected Structures

Fri, Jun 18, 2021

Read in 3 minutes

A short guide on how to propose adding a structure to Dublin City Council's Record of Protected Structures.

Protected Structures

A protected structure is a structure that is considered to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view. Owners or occupiers of a protected structure are legally obliged to prevent it becoming endangered, whether through damage or neglect. Each Local Council is also obliged to keep a Record of Protected Structures (RPS).

How does the procedure for adding a structure to the Record of Protected Structures work?

The procedure for adding a structure to the Record of Protected Structures is outlined on Dublin City Council’s website and is as follows:

How can I recommend a site/building to be added to the Record of Protected Structures?

If you want to recommend a structure for protected status you can complete Dublin City Council’s Nomination Form and send it to:

Conservation Section,

Planning and Property Development Department,

Dublin City Council,

Block 3, Floor 3,

Civic Offices,

Wood Quay,

Dublin 8.

Alternatively you can email Dublin City Council’s Conservation Officer at

If you have any further questions relating to a protected structure, you can contact the Conservation Officer via email or 01-222-3927 / 222-5093 / 222-6458.

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