Make it Free event, Saturday October 2nd

Thu, Sep 30, 2021

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Ireland took a huge leap forward by repealing the Eighth Amendment, now we must ensure that access to reproductive care becomes a right, not a privilege. Join us on Saturday October 2nd at 2.30pm for a free online event to discuss how to make this happen.

Make it Free event, Saturday October 2nd

Providing free access to contraception, beginning with young women aged between 17 and 25, is a key commitment of the Green Party in government, but how do we make this happen?

On Saturday October 2nd, 2.30pm at this free public event, Senator Pauline O’Reilly and Green Party Health Spokesperson Neasa Hourigan TD will discuss the Green Party’s work advancing this important issue, and panellists Maeve Taylor (Director of Advocacy and Communications at the Irish Family Planning Association) and Dr Caroline Munyi (Migrant Women’s Health Coordinator at AkiDwA), will discuss their work highlighting contraception from an equality and empowerment perspective.

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