Large-scale Residential Development at former Leydens site on Richmond Road

Wed, Mar 29, 2023

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At the start of March a Large-scale Residential Development application was made to Dublin City Council for the development of 133 apartment units, artist studios, a crèche, a retail unit, and a gym at the former Leydens Wholesalers & Distributors site on Richmond Road. Last day for observations is Tuesday 4th April 2023.

Large-scale Residential Development at former Leydens site on Richmond Road


[25-April-2023] Dublin City Council has granted permission for the development. A number of conditions are attached the most material of which is the block sizes

These changes and other stepping of the blocks means the development will now be a 107 unit development of 55 one bedroom units and 52 two bedroom units.

What is a Large-scale Residential Development (LRD)

Large-scale Residential Development is the process that replaces the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) process. It is similar to the SHD process in that it deals with applications for 100 or more houses or 200 or more student accommodation bed spaces.

A key difference however is that Large-scale Residential Development applications are made directly to the local authority (Dublin City Council in this case). Strategic Housing Development applications were made to An Bord Pleanála.

Unix Mix

The development will comprise

According to the applicant


Part V Social Housing

Dublin City Council’s preferred option is to acquire units on site to fulfil the Part V Social Housing obligation. The Part V Social Housing comprises:

27 in total which is approximately 20% of the total units on the site.

All of the 16 units in block A will be social housing units. 11 of the units in block B will be social housing units (all on the first and second floor).


25 car parking spaces broken down as follows:

424 bicycle spaces broken down as follows:

This includes 2 cargo bike spaces

Improvement works to Richmond Road are also proposed including the addition of a 1.5 metre wide one-way cycle lane in both directions and the widening of the footpaths. These changes will be limited to the section of Richmond Road outside the development.

Roads upgrade

Community spaces

The applicant has identified the following community spaces


The site is zoned as “Z10: Inner Suburban and Inner City Sustainable Mixed-Uses” which intends “to consolidate and facilitate the development of inner city and inner suburban sites for mixed-uses.”.

A more detailed description of the zoning can be found in the Land-use Zoning chapter of the Dublin City Development Plan.

Plot ratio and site coverage

Two applications side by side

This area is being developed under two separate applications. This LRD application is the second phase. The first phase is a Strategic Housing Development for 183 build-to-rent apartments. That application was made to An Bord Pleanála on 23rd December 2021 (case number 312352) and was supposed to be decided in April 2022. Further details can be found on

Phase 1 & Phase 2 of the project

More information

The application reference is LRD6006/23-S3

A web site for the application is available at

Last day for observations is Tuesday 4th of April 2023.

A guide to making a planning observation can be found at

Please get in contact with any queries at