Application for 93 unit apartment development at Hendrons factory site

Thu, Nov 23, 2023

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A planning application was made to Dublin City Council on the 16th of November for the development of a 93 unit apartment development in three blocks including a café/retail unit.

Application for 93 unit apartment development at Hendrons factory site


On 22nd January 2024 the council made a decision on the application requesting clarifications and changes.

On 15th May 2024 the applicant provided revised plans.

Application overview

93 apartment unit across three blocks comprising: 28 x 1 bed; 48 x 2 bed; 17 x 3 bed

Block A

Block B

Block C

Full plans

Full plans for the development can be found on the Dublin City Planning site under reference 4790/23

Protected Structure

On 22nd January 2020 Dublin City Council resolved to add Hendrons, 37-40 Dominick Street Upper to the Record of Protected Structures. Full details here.

Social Housing

Dublin City Council plans to acquire 17 units (3 x 1 bed and 14 x 2 bed) to meet the Part V obligations. All these units will be in block C.


There are no plans to provide car parking in this development given proximity to LUAS and bus routes and the development’s location in the city.

225 cycle spaces will be provided split across resident and visitor spaces and across standard, electric and cargo bikes.

Public Open Space

The Public Open Space requirement is being met by way of a public plaza on the corner of of Western Way and Dominick Street Upper.

Public Open Space

Previous Application

An application for a 280 bedroom co-living scheme was made on 7th December 2020 direct to An Bord Pleanála under the Strategic Housing Development legislation. A summary of the previous application can be found here. The full application is available on In April 2021 An Bord Pleanála announced it has refused permission for this development.


If you have any queries in relation to this development please don’t hesitate to get in touch on

The last day for observations to Dublin City Council is Wednesday 20th December 2023.

Rear view