Grangegorman Consultative Group

Mon, Sep 27, 2021

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I have recently accepted an invite to become a member of the Grangegorman Consultative Group. The Consultative Group is in place to facilitate communication concerning the development of the Grangegorman site. Please get in touch if there is anything you wish me to raise.

Grangegorman Consultative Group

The Grangegorman Development Agency Act 2005 requires the convening of a Consultative Group which draws members from a variety of groups (e.g. Dublin City Council, Residents representatives, public representatives, etc.). The Consultative Group is in place to maintain an adequate communications strategy concerning the development of the Grangegorman site.

Meetings usually take place quarterly and presentations and minutes (once agreed) are published on the GDA website. Details about the group, its members, and meeting minutes can also be found on the website.

If there is anything you would like me to raise as part of the Consultative Group please get in touch on or 01 618 3172