Wed, Jun 1, 2022
Read in 1 minutes
Neasa joined the First International Summit about the Reduction of Working Time and the Four Day Work-Week, hosted by the Government of the Valencian Region (Generalitat Valenciana) and the Valencian Public Employment and Training Service (LABORA).
She joined a panel of representatives from across Europe that have publicly endorsed proposals to reduce the working week. These included John McDonnell (UK MP & Former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Labour Party); Iñigo Errejón (MP Spanish Parliament, Más País); Katrin Langensiepen (MP European Parliament, Greens/EFA); Peredur Owen Griffiths (MP Wales Parliament, Playd Cymru); Fiona Hyslop (MP Scottish Parliament, SNP); and Florent Marcellesi (Former MEP and Speaker of Verdes-EQUO).