Fri, Feb 4, 2022
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The draft Dublin City Development Plan 2022 to 2028 is now open for public submissions (until 14th Feb). Find out below on how to make a submission on the plan and see some of the observations I will be making (which you are free to borrow/amend for your own submission).
The Dublin City Development Plan sets out policies and objectives to guide how and where development will take place in the city over the lifetime of the Plan. The current draft plan will cover the six year period from 2022 to 2028.
The current draft Development Plan can be found here.
Any submissions need to be received by Dublin City Council by 4.30pm on 14th February 2022.
You can make your submission online. You need to create an account at the submission portal and then add your submissions.
You can also post a written submission to Dublin City Council.
Development Plan Team,
Planning and Property Development Department,
Dublin City Council,
Wood Quay, Dublin 8
Below are the points I’ll include in my submission. Feel free to copy/amend for your own submission. If there’s something you think we’ve missed please let me know.
Chapter 15: Development Standards
Access to local childcare facilities is becoming increasingly difficult for parents. I appreciate that, under the Development Plan, some developments are required to produce a “Community and Social Audit” as part of the planning application. Even given that we have seen large developments in the constituency that:
I would ask that the Development Plan be updated to reflect the following:
Chapter 10: Green Infrastructure and Recreation
(1) Multiple Use of Sports and Recreational Facilities
Many sports clubs are under pressure with respect to adequate sports facilities. I welcome Policy GI48 in the draft Development Plan to maximise the multiple use of sports and recreation facilities.
I think this policy could be clarified/strengthened by
(2) Playing facilities for women and girls
I agree with a recent council motion that there should be equal access and availability of playing pitches for men/boys and women/girls and that any future development of both Dalymount Park and/or Tolka Park should ensure that playing facilities for women and girls are properly safeguarded.
(3) Lido
I support the objective “To support the development of a public lido… in the city centre”. I think a reasonable timeline for such a project should be the lifetime of this plan and I think that should be noted in the objective.
Chapter 15: Development Standards
I welcome the restrictions placed on Build to Rent developments in the draft Development Plan.
I would ask that a standard condition be placed on the 40% build to sell units requiring these units to be sold only to non corporate bodies or Approved Housing Bodies. Without such a condition it is difficult to see how the desired tenure mix will be achieved.
Chapter 14: Land Use Zoning
While hotel developments are welcome in the city it is my feeling that certain parts of the city (especially the North Inner City) are being overpopulated with hotels. Dublin City Council itself recently refused permission for a hotel on Capel Street (3609/20) because it was “exacerbating the existing over concentration of hotel developments”. This decision was however overturned by An Bord Pleanála in part because the Dublin City Council’s “decision does not appear to be supported by any specific policy basis or an established density standard for hotels”
In light of this ruling from An Bord Pleanála I would request that the Development Plan include density standards for hotels. It is not clear to me that Policy CEE28 is sufficient in this regard. Without such density standards parts of the city will tend toward primarily tourist use as opposed to a healthy mix.
Chapter 8: Sustainable Movement and Transport
The city is choked with private car traffic resulting in poorer air quality, congestion, and higher emissions of greenhouse gases. I think the Development Plan’s mode share shift should be vastly improved across walking, cycling and public transport. We need to be more ambitious.
Chapter 8: Sustainable Movement and Transport
I note objective SMTO11: Design Standards for Cycle Parking in Developments. These standards need to be updated to reflect that any required cycle space is in a secure space external to the living area and accessible without traversing the living area.
Chapter 7: The City Centre, Urban Villages and Retail
I welcome the objective to reduce street clutter (CCUVO20). Street clutter, while visually disruptive, also can impact the walkability of streets for more vulnerable footpath users. This objective could be extended beyond just poles to include the various cabinets that clutter the street.
I would encourage the council to go beyond consolidation of signs on single poles and to consider wholesale removal of certain classes of signs. For example:
I support the goals of the Corpus Christi Parish Hall Working Group, namely to secure the future of the Hall. First steps in this regard are
The working group has produced its own submission in this regard which I encourage everybody to submit.