Wed, Mar 24, 2021
Read in 1 minutes
Not a fan of all this climate action stuff? Maybe you're a bit skeptical about how it will affect you everyday life? We need to hear that!
The consultation for the new Climate Action Plan 2021 is now open and you can have you say here.
Transcript: Climate legislation is coming. This week we published the Climate Action Bill which looks to provide legally binding commitments to cut Ireland’s carbon emissions to Net Zero by 2050. This means that finally our climate objectives will become obligations. We need to do it. But we also need you. So, the Government has opened a consultation on the Climate Action Plan 2021. It’s your time to speak up – what should climate action look like? Maybe you think that warmer homes should be the biggest focus. Maybe you are not a keen cyclist but would like to see a rail network that is more comprehensive and much more affordable. Your opinion counts. You should make it heard. Even if you hate trees and bikes you should speak up and get involved in the consultation.